Past Speakers since 2017...
Jason Burton : Head of Dementia practice and Innovation WA
Professor Ralph Martin : Chair in Ageing and Alzheimer's Disease : Edith Cowan University WA
Dr Harriet Whiley : Lecturer in Environmental Health : Flinders University
Kirsty A Bennet : Manager Environmental Design Education Services : Dementia Australia
Dr Richard Bentham : Hindmarsh Plumbing
Irene Wilkinson : Director Infection Control Services South Australia Health
Dr David Tuffley : Senior Lecturer in Applied Ethics and Sociotechnical Studies at Griffith University's School of CT
Andrew Vickers : Environmental Health Officer Public Health and Clinical Systems SA Health
Dr Krispin Hajkowicz : Senior Staff Specialist in Infectious Diseases Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital
Professor Chris Del Mar: Professor of Public Health, Bond University
Tracy Bladen: Public Health Nurse : Gold Coast Public Health Unit - Communicable Disease Control
Lyntara Quirke: Advisory Board member : Dementia Training Australia
Megan Brine : Microbiology Phycology Team Leader : ALS Global
Glen Pinna : General Manager Biotech Laboratories
Professor Stephen Lord: Senior Principal Research Fellow - Neuroscience Research Australia
Dr Alicia Arnott: PHD in Virology from Monash University : Westmead Hospital
Kim Langfeldt : Public Health Nurse - Queensland Health
Satyan Chari: Clinician Queensland Health
Chris Wold: Principal Public Health Officer - Queensland Health
Bhakti Vasant: Public Health Physician: Queensland Health
Steven Coghlan: Governance Institute of Australia
Samantha Jenkinson: NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
Amber Crosthwaite : Lavan
Erica Thuijs : Jackson McDonald Multi-Sector Law
Bennett Green: Jackson McDonald
Prue Campbell : Panetta McGrath
David McMullen: Panetta McGrath
Kate Swetenham : Clinical Director : Southern Adelaide Palliative Services
Louise Durham : Nurse Practitioner for SA Metro South Palliative Care Service
Anne-Rita Vleugel : Pall Medical
Ryan Milne : Ecosafe International
Glenys Harrington : Infection Control Consultant
John Cole : Environmental Directorate : Dept of Health WA
Ben Witham : WA Communicable Disease Control Directorate : Dept of Health WA
Professor Anne-Marie Hill: School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science
Professor Matt Rawlins : Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacist : Fiona Stanley Hospital WA
Ed Gaudoin : Clinical Nurse Manager - Metropolitan Palliative Care Consultancy Service WA ​​​​
Some of these Speakers may no longer be with the organization or in their roles
Managing Food Safety in Aged Care
5th July 2019 Perth & Adelaide
Recognizing and responding to clinical deterioration of older people
5th July 2019
Ed Gaudoin - Bethesda
2019 Aged Care Quality Standards includes National Aged Care Quality Indicator Program and Charter of Aged Care Rights
5th July 2019
Susan Brownlowe - Leading Aged Care Services Australia
Food Outbreak investigations in Residential Aged Care
5th July 2019
Department of Health WA
John Coles and Ben Witham
Falls in hospitals and Aged Care
5th July 2019
Prof Anne-Marie Hill
Ed Gaudoin - Bethesda
Aged Care Quality Indicator Program
14th Mov 2019
Leading Aged Care Services Australia
Prof Jon Iredell Sydney
Improving the lived experience of dementia - medication management, hospital care and future practice
5th July 2019
Jason Burton : Alzeimers WA
Antimicrobial Resistance in Hospitals and Residential Aged Care
5th July 2019
Matt Rawlins
Perth Seminar & Livestream
Crown Perth WA
7th July 2022
Proposed Second State of legislative Reforms for aged Care in Response to the Royal Commission
Serious Incident Response Scheme in Community Care
Presented by Erica Thuijs of Jackson McDonald Multi-Sector Law Firm, Erica will explain ;
Why do we need a Serious Incident Response Scheme?
What is the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS)?
What has occurred since the SIRS was introduced?
What you must report
What is currently required under the SIRS
What is currently required under the SIRS
Governance Update
Presented by Steven Coghlan of Governance Institute of Australia, participants will understand governance with;
Director ID
Virtual and Hybrid Meetings
Cyber security
Climate change
Codes of Conduct effective 1st July 2022
Presented by Erica Thuijs of Jackson MacDonald Multi-Sector Law Firm, participants will understand;
Mandatory minimum qualifications
Minimum levels of English proficiency
Criminal history screening
Powers for ACQSC to investigate code breaches
Legislative Reform
Final Report of Royal Commission into Aged Care released on 26 February 2021
Royal Commission Response No 1 Act passed 24 June 2021
What Might a Code of Conduct Look Like?
Voluntary Code of Conduct for employees
Preparation for the Scheme
Worker screening obligations of Residential Aged Care Providers who are NDIS Providers
Presented by Samantha Jenkson of NDIS Quality and Safety Commission, participants will understand :
Overview of NDIS Worker Screening
Role of NDIS Worker screening in Quality and Safeguarding
How NDIS Worker Screening operates
21st October 2021 Perth
Dealing with difficult residents and families
Identifying the difficult party
Strategies for managing residents and family members
Balancing obligations to residents and families with obligations to your staff
Receiving, investigating and managing complaints
Capacity and substitute-decision making
Ascertaining individual decision-making capacity
The differing roles and responsibilities of substitute decision-makers, including powers of attorney, enduring guardians, appointed guardian and administrators and NDIS nominees
Circumstances in which an application may need to be made to the State Administrative Tribunal
Mental Health, Psychological Safety and Duty of Care
Developing your safety system to support the recognition of psychosocial hazards, psychological risk, mental health warning signs, domestic violence risk and other workplace risks
Working with medical experts who are treating the employee - what can you request, and dealing with non-responsive employees and doctors 
Accommodating workers compensation claims, and dealing with issues around causation 
Dealing with absent employees, and avoiding discrimination claims when dealing with medical incapacity due to mental health issues 
Addressing duty of care obligations and mental health risks for a remote and flexible workforce